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What can I expect in an initial consultation?

The initial consultation is 60-minutes and follow-up sessions are 45-minutes. Prior to the initial consultation, I take the time to review your intake forms and get an idea of what plan you will need or if laboratory evaluations would be useful. During the initial consultation, we spend time together so I can get to know you. It is important for me to hear your story so I can know your experiences and discover what you may need more of during your care. You may be ready to dive into lifestyle changes or you may need to take things in small intervals. I work according to your needs and we come up with a plan together that we both feel comfortable with.

What can I expect in a follow up session?

The 45-minute follow-up sessions will be to review progress and discuss challenges that you are facing. I will also be available via email and Healthie chat for any questions that may arise between sessions.

How long will we work together?

This differs from person to person. No one ever said lifestyle changes are easy, and it can take time to see the results you are looking for. You may need one on one sessions once a month or you may need more if you are experiencing more complex conditions. The packages are a great option because they include 10-12 sessions. People usually see better results when they commit to a program over several months. We typically book them 2 weeks apart so you can expect 3-6 months, depending on your personal goals and needs.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional medicine addresses the whole person, not an isolated set of symptoms. Conventional medicine is very good at acute care and has brought us so far when it comes to life-expectancy and emergent care. However, they fail to take into account the ability of food, toxins, and other environmental factors that influence gene expression. Functional medicine brings the focus to a more patient-centered approach instead of the traditional disease-centered focus of conventional medicine. Functional medicine seeks to understand the origin of disease by looking “upstream” from the symptoms, and considering the web of interactions that come from the person’s history and lifestyle that can lead to imbalances in the body. Internal (mind, body, and spirit) as well as external (physical and social environment) are taken into consideration. Nutrition is the core modality of functional medicine. Functional nutrition assesses a more thorough client history and focuses on high-quality, therapeutic foods to offer a personalized intervention to prevent or manage diet and lifestyle-related diseases.

What makes functional nutrition different?

Most nutrition professionals are not trained in assessing nutrition at the cellular level. All disease can be taken down to the cellular level and dysfunction in a cell. Advanced practice skills are essential for preventing, managing, or even reversing chronic diseases.

Do you take insurance?

I do not accept insurance. Health savings and flexible spending accounts are accepted, it's just important that you make sure that a doctor's recommendation for nutrition services is not required, or if it is, that you get that recommendation. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further, please feel free to reach out. We are more than happy to assist you.